1 Samuel 24 | Romans 12:16 Do Something! …Or not? “Doing nothing.” Sounds like the top of your spring break to-do list...
1 Thessalonians 3:12-13 | Matthew 22:40 Dost thou know the meaning of yon diction? Have you ever thought about...
Isaiah 49:15 | Psalm 105:8 | Luke 22:19-20 | Exodus 12:14 | Joshua 4:21 “I feel like there was something else…” If...
Matthew 13:31-32, 14:29-31, 17:6,20 | Mark 9:22-24 Your job is to step out. You may have heard that you need to...
1 John 2:16-17 | John 3:16 | Romans 12:2 This whole subject gives me a sinking feeling… Do you want to hear...
Revelation 22:8-9 | 1 Corinthians 3:4 They’re only human…and so are you! Celebrity Worship Syndrome (CWS) is the...
Matthew 16:18, 18:20 | Hebrews 10:24-25 It’s more than a building. Why is it so easy to picture the church as a...
James 3:1-12 | Proverbs 16:23,27, 29:11 | Psalm 19:14 Is your tongue housebroken? Has your mouth ever gotten you into...
Luke 7:28 | John 3:28,30 | 1 Peter 2:9 You will be greater for reading this. John the Baptist knew where it was at. He...
Genesis 11 DON’T talk amongst yourselves. Back in the day, God told Noah and his sons to multiply and fill the earth...
John 15:5 | Isaiah 43:7,22 | Psalm 24:1 Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…that’s pretty much the soundtrack...
Luke 12:8-9 | Matthew 7:21, 5:14 | Psalm 37:5-6 | 1 John 2:6 This has nothing to do with the Fifth Amendment. Just...